Sunday, May 10, 2015

A day for mothers.

Today Josh and I traveled to have a Mother's Day lunch with my family.

We ate a delicious meal, talking and laughing until our bellies were full.  Mom even got to enjoy her favorite dessert, homemade chocolate eclair dessert.  Additionally while we were eating lunch, she got to see some of her high school friends.  Many of her friends said, "It is so nice you can have your children with you today."  She filled with pride as she realized that all of her children were in one place.

She has given so much time and support to her children.  For 20+ years she has spent an immeasurable amount of time being a "room mom," reading us books, or helping us with homework.  She has sat through countless dance recitals and sports games.  Volleyball, basketball, soccer, softball, track and field, even bowling.  My parents attended most of my home games when I played a sport in college!  She has withstood ceremonies, spelling bees, graduations.  She has always tried to support us through the mountain tops and the valleys of life.   She has always been our number one fan.

So much of who I am today is because of my Mom and my family.  May she always know that she is loved.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Friend to All Rabbits.

Josh and I have two rabbits, Jack and (Fertile) Myrtle.  After being our pets for about one year, they have grown into very large adult meat rabbits.  They give us compost for our garden and entertain themselves with toys.  And by toys I mean inexpensive items like cardboard.   They are friendly to pet and jump around when I walk out the door in the morning.  Mostly, they are adorable and low maintenance.

Rabbits eat a high-fiber diet including a lot of hay, which is recommended for their GI tract and teeth.  Rabbit teeth grow continuously about 3mm per week; a nice way to maintain pearly whites at all times.  Chewing the hay helps to wear down the rabbit’s molars.  Luckily my sister and her husband are willing to give us an endless supply of alfalfa grass hay, which the rabbits love.  Jack and Myrtle also eat pellets and of course, fresh green vegetables.  A surprising fact is that rabbits are not to eat too many carrots, as this orange vegetable is high in sugar.  They need access to water 24/7.  Since we live in the Northeast, we had difficulty with their water bottles freezing over the winter.  So we invested in two heated bottles - cheap on Amazon and worth every penny.

Last year, Josh handcrafted their hutch.  Yes, I am that convincing.  Jack and Myrtle live in separate crates so we don’t end up with sixty rabbits.  Their gestation period is 28 DAYS (not 40 weeks).  The blue piece of plastic on the floor of their cage is to avoid “sore hocks” as rabbit feet are not made to stand on metal all day.   Josh also built two nesting boxes, which we filled with hay over the winter during the negative temperature nights.  Fortunately rabbits prefer the cold rather than hot, humid weather.  Jack and especially Myrtle love their nesting boxes.  Since rabbits think like prey, the boxes give a sense of security.

Their hutch is located over our compost pile so the rabbit dropping and left over hay eventually get mixed in with our other household organic waste.  Some people keep their rabbits inside the home and actually litter train them – I don’t have time for that.

So, rabbits are basically our favorites!  If you would like a rabbit, let me know….I am dying to let Myrtle have babies at least once. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

A splendid weekend.

We had a splendid weekend celebrating Spring with dear friends. They flew from St. Louis, Missouri to be with us and we loved every minute. Some guests leave and you're kind of relieved to get your house and routine back. Others you just wish could stay for a few more minutes... or a few more days - They are those kind of guests. We visited some of our favorite spots in Chambersburg, including a hike at Tumbling Run.

Brook and Josh,
We have much in common and it seems that we can pick up right where we left off. We loved our time with you...Kenzos, grilling dinner at home, Mrs. Gibbles Candies, homemade ice cream, the Dutch Fest, the farmers' market, the community. We are so blessed by your friendship and cannot wait for you to come back!
Lots of love,
The Rabers