Thursday, May 22, 2014


More ambitious gardeners use seeds to start their plants; however, I have not had the best of luck with this method and have some time constraints.  So, I decided to go for plants this year.  

Many people recommended Lurgan Greenhouse to me for plants due to their reasonable prices, but I had no idea the magnitude of what they would offer. I am in love with this greenhouse and will likely never go back to indoor seed-starting because of it. 

Do your research before going…
The number of tomato varieties had my indecisive mind spinning. Heirloom, Big Boy, Roma, Beefsteak, Sun Sugar, Gold Medal, Green Zebra…the list goes on.  The greenhouse provides a short explanation of each variety’s best use. So, you can read briefly about which type of tomato to grow for sauces, canning, juices, cutting fresh in a salad, etc.

My favorite purchase is our mint plant. I bought this apple mint plant to put in a large pot, but spearmint, pineapple, orange, lemon, and peppermint were available. The Pennsylvania Dutch called it “meadow tea,” but this stuff is my all time fave.  It is totally nostalgic for me to drink a glass of iced meadow tea on a hot summer day. The fact that I can grow it, steep it, and chill it in the convenience of my home has me giddy. 

Lurgan also has bird baths, bird feeders, pots, trellises, lawn furniture, shrubs, trees, and hanging planters (including the largest ferns I have ever seen) with the sweetest little ladies at checkout. And, we ended up paying a fraction of projected garden budget. So fun!

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