Dear Baber,
Last night we went on an adventure. Just you and me. The two of us have spent a lot of time sitting in a patient’s exam room hunched over a computer. I thought it was high time we stretch out and get some fresh air.
So I hopped on the back
of my bike and headed down the street. We bumped along back roads and sidewalks,
past rusty fences and aged oak trees. We peddled by signs of Spring like
orange-bellied robins and tiny rabbits. We passed a soccer field that I know
well. I kicked around a soccer ball as a young girl many Saturday mornings on
that field. We breathed crisp air, and I have a feeling you could feel the
change in me. The joy. The peace.
As I work long
hours at the office, I've been reminded of the not-so-fun parts of life that we
all have to go through. But then there are beautiful parts. Like last night. There
are sweet pauses to clear our minds, our hearts, and rejuvenate our bodies.
There are times to be alone, with God.
I thought to
myself, "This is the same air you'll breathe. This is the same field
you'll play on. These are the same landmarks you'll know."
And I can't wait to
show you these parts. To introduce you to this messy, mysterious, complicated,
wonderful world you're about to be a part of.
Are you ready?
I am.
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